December 10, 2012

December 07, 2012

Why I started this blog is...

The reason why I started this blog was, well I just wanted to.

I've learned on Youtube that you should care more about your audience more then money. Most companies should do that, most of them actually do which is cool! When you care more about money, well expect nothing.

I really hope that I can make this community based, both in sound, video, and written form.

Oh I made a audio read on my main Gamenew09, which if you click here you get directed to the video, or watch it here!

Thanks for reading!

December 06, 2012

I might make an audio reading

Yes I'm going to put it on Gamenew09. I want people to read content even if they can't read.

Maybe I'll put it every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and at 4:00 PM.

Where can I get Science Sources?

Well since the two posts I have do have credits some people, for some reason, might not read the credits in current and future posts so I decided to list the one's that I used before:

Thanks for reading this post!
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December 05, 2012

Can we stop ag(e)ing? Science News 2

Can we stop age? Yes, well maybe.

A lot of people hate death right? If you do you might have a lucky life, because it is possible. Our cells have death programmed into them! What!?!?! Not cool cells! Cells copy themselves, and they have a limit to dividing themselves, the limit is called the Hayflick Limit. Which is named after Leonard Hayflick. The cells can be stopped completely by force, by cooling the cells down. But when the cell warms back up it continues from where it left off.

Scientists have wondering why this happens, it's because of the chromosomes, if the chromosomes get unprotected that's when the cell stops reproducing itself. Surprisingly, cancer cells can actually divide forever which cause tumors. Plus our genes also cancel the immortal action. Cyntha Kenyon found that there is one gene that is making the test worms age. That gene is called, DAF-2. She messed with the gene to make it now work and the worms lived 28 days instead of 14 days. It's twice as long! DAF-16 is the opposite, it makes the test worms younger! DAF-2 restricts the effects of DAF-16 to make the worm younger, so if you damage DAF-2, DAF-16 would work and be in full effect.

In mice there is a gene called IGF-1, there is less cell and organ damage along with oxedation when you silence the gene. There is one more thing that causes aging, and it's calories! Lower intake of calories lead to longer life spans! Calories stimulate IGF-1, which is one of the other reasons we talked about earlier. If you thought to get celery and water, don't! It might not work for humans! The kids(10 yrs. old) from 1921 are still living from a test.

Take a look at your family age span, if you want to keep living do the most obvious and good things, like not smoking. Just one more thing, there is a religion that is called Seventh-Day Adventists that is a Christian Denomination and have a lifespan of 88 years! Thanks for reading!

SciShow - Why We Age - And How We Can Stop It

December 04, 2012

Is it the End Of The World? Science News 1

People are thinking the world is going to end, especially since it's close to the "end" date.

NASA has answered a couple of questions about the end of the world.

One of the questions, that is especially important, is "Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012?"
Answer to this question was: Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then -- just as your calendar begins again on January 1 -- another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar.

If you want to see the full list click here.

If you want to see the time line for actual end of world events click here.

Credits for this post: